Here is some info about the online Affordable Arts Festival Holiday Market:
When you buy your ticket (proceeds from the $12 go to the Arapahoe Community College Foundation to fund scholarships) you will be given the secret link to the AAF Holiday Market website. Besides the fundraising facet to the $12 fee, what we have also done for you, the art patron, is give you amazing deals on fine art that you can not find anywhere else. You will be able to save hundreds of dollars on individual pieces so your $12 investment will have great returns for you!
The main site is really a menu of the 65 artists that we have. There are samples of their work (these may not be the exact images for sale) and you can then click the button to go to their site or email them or text them (the artists choose which way they want you to contact them).
You can then purchase the artwork. All prices are $100 or less but there may be shipping added to the price. But, if it’s a piece that was originally $350 and with shipping it’s now $150, it’s still a great deal!
Several people have asked why we don’t have a preview of the artists. The reason is that there is a lot of work to put this online (for both me and the artists) and I know some of our enthusiastic clients would contact artists to try to find out what they have for sale, etc. We really cannot afford any interruptions.
If you have any issues or feedback (both good or bad…but preferably good) please feel free to contact me at
I hope you will join us. I know the artists are grateful for the opportunity to have some sales for the holidays and you can feel good that you have also helped fund scholarships at the Arapahoe Community College.
Thanks again for your support of the Affordable Arts Festival,
Jim DeLutes